Monday, March 24, 2014

Holy Cauliflower Batman!!

When you think of cauliflower, one usually thinks of the white broccoli looking vegetable as pictured below.

Up until a little while ago, I thought the same.

When my husband and I went grocery shopping the other other day and he said he wanted to buy cauliflower, I panicked a little. I've never cooked cauliflower before, never even eaten it before either. I had no idea what to do with it. Then he proceeds to tell me that you can mash it up like potatoes. Ahh! You have my attention (I'm Irish, I love me some potatoes).

So, I look up recipes for mashed cauliflower and I find this one --> Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes <-- and it is DELICIOUS!! I cooked some meat and brown gravy to go with them and I'm telling you. From someone who has never had cauliflower in her life and a potato lover, I would have never guessed that it wasn't potatoes.

If you are looking to cut some carbs out of your diet, but can't bare to leave behind your precious potatoes, try this recipe. It could even be a good way to get your kids to eat more veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow it looks "funny". In Germany you cook the cauliflower in Saltwater. Then you fry some breadcrumps and strew it over the cauliflower. Its a great supplement for "Schnitzel" (and Potatos and sauce).

    Or you can crumb it.
